Eccentric rotary tilting shear TILTRONIC

Dedicated to Automotive - High reliability and
High reliability and performance at high speed

In year 1.991 SALICO invented and patented the Eccentric Rotary Tilting Shear, specific for cutting trapezoids, typically for the automotive industry, both for aluminum and steel strip.

Our rotary tilting shears have been developed for cutting strips of up to 2,100 mm width, up to 4.5 mm thick and +/- 40º of trapezoid angle, with a maximum speed of 90 m/min.

Our rotary tilting shears can also feature dies to perform curved, banana, chevron or omega cuts. For this, the unit includes a semi-automatic exchange feature powered from an external carriage.

Today, SALICO eccentric rotary tilting shears remain the most performing in the market with the tightest tolerances, SALICO being the suppliers with highest number of references in the automotive sector worldwide.